Sunday 13 January 2008

Film 007 - Hot Fuzz

(2007, colour, 121 mins)

Director - Edgar Wright

Starring - Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Timothy Dalton

I thought it was nice and ironic that "film 007" in my mission stars Timothy Dalton, a former James Bond. You know, because of the 007, and... you know... meh, stop spoiling my fun.

The Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright writing combination is one that has yet to disappoint for me. Both series of Spaced were hilarious and Shaun Of The Dead was a great tribute to a genre dear to my heart. With Hot Fuzz, Pegg and Wright attempted to do to action movies what Shaun did to horror, and they pull it off with style.

Pegg plays Nick Angel, a top cop who's sent to a dull village in the middle of nowhere so he doesn't make his teammates in the city look bad. It soon becomes clear though that despite the sleepy, boring image the town suggests, there are criminal goings-on afoot. It's up to Angel (along with his assigned partner played by the awesome Nick Frost) to find out what's going on.

Pegg is supported by a fantastic cast of British actors including the aforementioned Timothy Dalton, who's fantastic as the evil Somerfield manager. There are also some fun cameos from the likes of Steven Coogan, Martin Freeman and Bill Bailey which all add to the daft "we're just having a laugh here" nature of the film.

Simply put, Hot Fuzz is a terrific film. The more you watch it the more you spot (there are loads of tiny references that you might miss first time around, such as the street named Norris Avenue, a clear tribute to Chuck Norris), and the script is hilarious from start to finish. Highly recommended.

4.5 out of 5


  1. Excellent.

    Tis indeed a great film. Though the question is, this or Shaun?

  2. I'd say Shaun just pips it, because I'm a horror geek at heart. :-P

  3. Hot Fuzz was good fun, a little overhyped perhaps, but still enjoyable nethertheless.

  4. I say Hot Fuzz is better and I'm a zombie fanatic. I think it could be because Shaun never felt scary to me, one thing that the horror genre should have whereas the action in Hot Fuzz was fantastic and felt like an action movie.

    Then again tis easier to do an action comedy than a comedy horror.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one behind a bit atm.

  5. Hi! I came here via the Nintendo mag forums.

    Nice to see someone else trying to see a film for every day of the year, as I tried the same thing a few years back. After 2005's attempt was a dismal failure I decided to content myself with beating my total of new (to me) films each year. 2007 ended with around 200 films watched - I'm hoping to beat my record this year.

    Haven't seen Hot Fuzz yet, but loved Shaun. Also, if you haven't already, you should get the Spaced DVDs - my boyfriend and I had a Spaced marathon last weekend and it's awesome.
